I think there is an issue with my macOS Catalina installation. I am running the beta, having updated my machine from the previous version. I noticed I can't copy files as an admin to my root folder (/) but im not sure if this was something that was always the case or not.
I found this after first noticing my time machine time capsule wasn't working and i couldn't access the time capsule server all of a sudden.
Anyone experience the same thing?
I'm not sure what approach to betas is usually taken here, but at least on Ask Different, we typically don't address tech support questions, and suggest than any issues be reported to Apple for them to sort through. – JMY1000 – 2019-07-08T07:37:53.157
How are you trying to copy the files? If you are using the Terminal, try granting Terminal global disk permissions from Privacy Settings. – RegedUser00x – 2019-07-09T14:22:18.110
https://superuser.com/questions/1457169/macos-catalina-and-user-permissions – Julie Chaumard – 2019-10-13T19:41:19.223