Linux: Setting primary display (nvidia) from command line



Is this possible?

Normally I use disper to enable my external monitor, but I don't think I can force the 2nd monitor to be primary.

I've played around with nv-control-dpy included in the nvidia-control source, but I haven't figured out how to do it yet. How to get:


This is a laptop, to which I connect an external hdmi display when I get to work. dipser -e extends the desktop for me, but the laptop remains the primary desktop (holding the panels etc). nvidia-settings can set primary monitor for me, but I want to use the cli.


Posted 2010-04-15T08:03:37.030

Reputation: 645

what's the hardware here? laptop with external monitor? two monitors connected to one GPU? two GPUs? – quack quixote – 2010-04-16T09:35:38.550

nvidia binary drivers...enough said. This would probably be really easy with xrandr, but the nvidia drivers only support their proprietary twinview. – Broam – 2010-04-16T13:35:39.977



I succeed to exactly do what you mean, maybe because I have the 2.3 version, on ubuntu 10.04 with nvidia-setting v 1.0

Following The Bug Fix:

this has been listed as a big once :

by version 2.1 should work as you asked on 20010-04 and the 'bug fix' was confirmed on 2009-02-16

What I Had

by using:

disper -l

there I saw my devices were:

  • DFP-0: LGD (laptop display)
  • CRT-0: Samsung SyncMaster (external monitor)

(the external device doesn't show up by querying with xrandr)

What I Wanted and How

The laptop is on the right and the monitor is on the left, i wanted the laptop to be extended from the Samsung, thus, having the laptop physically top aligned, I wanted them to be also logically top aligned and have theyr own maxymum resolution:

disper -d CRT-0,DFP-0 -r auto -e -t right

this has to be read as: (-d) opertate first on SyncMaster then on laptop lcd, (-r) consider auto resolution, (-e) extend the second dysplay [second here is laptop because the -d set display ordering], (-t) extend the second display [laptop] to the right of the first.

Google Properly and Try First

Very Simple no nvidia-hacking needed. Hope it helps.




Posted 2010-04-15T08:03:37.030

Reputation: 46

PERFECT! Thanks :) v 2.3 did exactly what I wanted. – Joernsn – 2011-05-02T15:31:57.883


I hacked the nvidia-settings source, and got a working solution:

This is done in Ubuntu, but porting it shouldn't be hard.

Run these commands:

sudo apt-get build-dep nvidia-settings
apt-get source nvidia-settings
cd nvidia-settings-195.36.08/src

Edit "nvidia-settings.c", and replace main() with this:

int main(int argc, char **argv)

    ConfigProperties conf;
    ParsedAttribute *p; 
    CtrlHandles *h; 
    char * target;

    /* initialize the parsed attribute list */

    p = nv_parsed_attribute_init();

    /* initialize the ConfigProperties */


    /* allocate the CtrlHandles for this X screen */

    h = nv_alloc_ctrl_handles(":0.0");

    if (!h || !h->dpy) {
        return 1;

    /* Get target from command line */
    if(argc != 2){ 
            printf("Usage: %s PRIMARY_DISPLAY\n", argv[0]);
        printf("Example: %s  DFP-1\n");
        return 1;

    target = argv[1];

    int i;
    for (i = 0; i < h->targets[X_SCREEN_TARGET].n; i++) {
        if (h->targets[X_SCREEN_TARGET].t[i].h) {

            printf("Setting primary display: %s\n", target);

            NvCtrlSetStringAttribute(h->targets[X_SCREEN_TARGET].t[i].h, NV_CTRL_STRING_TWINVIEW_XINERAMA_INFO_ORDER, target, NULL);


    return 0;

} /* main() */


cd ..

put the binary in path:

sudo cp nvidia-settings /usr/local/bin/setPrimaryDisplay

use it:

setPrimaryDisplay DFP-1
gnome-panel --replace 2>/dev/null &

Where DFP-1 is the name of the desired diaplay display. Gnome panel doesn't keep up with the times, and needs to be restarted.

You can download my binary compiled for amd64 here:


Posted 2010-04-15T08:03:37.030

Reputation: 645


May be too obvious and an option you prefer not to use, but, what about changing which is the primary one at BIOS ?


Posted 2010-04-15T08:03:37.030

Reputation: 1 643

The external is only connected about half the times i boot, so that'd be more work than using nvidia-settins gui. In fact, I never actually boot this computer, its just suspended. – Joernsn – 2010-04-16T13:10:36.663


You can try messing with xrandr. commandlinefu have great collection of xrandr-based scripts.

Ivan Petrushev

Posted 2010-04-15T08:03:37.030

Reputation: 1 591