What is the Optimal Virtual Memory Size For 8 GB RAM | WIN 10?



I would like to ask experts that What is the optimal Virtual Memory Size For 8 GB RAM | WIN 10 and how you calculate?

I know the system says 1906 MB is recommended but is it enough or I should set it more?

Currently, my Virtual Memory size is 12 GB by the way but I feel it is useless.

Thanks in advance!


Posted 2016-06-17T18:03:24.010

Reputation: 155

1I let the system mange the paging file for too long. I set it to the fixed size that is recommended and my notebook works as if I had a new machine. Everything woks so smoothly now. It's such a huge change that it's almost hard to believe that is was so simple. I have 16GB RAM and the paging file now set to 2905 as my Windows 10 Pro recommended. I'm wondering why even though windows recommends this size itself, it used a paging file that was over 8GB large. – t3chb0t – 2017-08-12T10:28:36.043



Automatic Method

Windows 10 automatically manages the pagefile for your computer's configuration and the amount of RAM present in it—I'd suggest allowing the Windows OS to dynamically manage this if possible.

The minimum and maximum size of the Pagefile can be up to 1.5 times and 4 times of the physical memory that your computer has respectively. For example, if your computer has 1 GB of RAM, the minimum Pagefile size can be 1.5 GB, and the maximum size of the file can be 4 GB.


Manual Method

To calculate the "general rule" recommended size of virtual memory in Windows 10 per the 8 GB your system has, here's the equation 1024 x 8 x 1.5 = 12288 MB. So it sounds as if the 12 GB configured in your system currently is correct so when or if Windows needs to utilize the virtual memory, the 12 GB should suffice.

As a general rule, the maximum size of the paging file must be x1.5 the amount of RAM installed. Thus for a PC running with 4GB of RAM, the maximum size of the swap file will be 1024 x 4 x 1.5 Mb.


Pimp Juice IT

Posted 2016-06-17T18:03:24.010

Reputation: 29 425

Thanks for the detailed answer. One more thing I want to ask you that I should set the maximum and the minimun size to 12288MB to avoid fragmentation in pagefile because size would be static Am I right? – Anonymous – 2016-06-17T18:47:58.900

4I'd suggest allowing the OS to dynamically manage this if possible - this is simply not true. After reducing the size of the page file to the recommended size my notebook works so smoothly that it's almost unbelieveable why windows does not use the recommended size but a much larger file and thus slows the entire system down. Websites open now nearly instantly and all applications start immediately. Maybe it's true if you have 4GB of RAM but with 16GB it was THE bottleneck of the system. – t3chb0t – 2017-08-12T10:30:18.773

Okay so then go with the general rule per the manual method mentioned (or something else) when you do not want to go with the default OS managed configuration. You have the freedom to choose so pick what you need and that works for you. – Pimp Juice IT – 2019-02-10T03:46:55.513

1I had the same issue, 16GB ram, youtube videos sound consistently lagging during startup for the first 3-6 seconds. I set min/max paging file size to 6000MB, that resolved the problem. – yonikawa – 2019-03-17T21:55:54.893