Eliah Kagan


#StopTheShock | ASAN

For business inquiries: eliah.kagan@gmail.com

For anything: degeneracypressure@gmail.com or send me a message via Launchpad.


Other contact info:

I don't use SE's chat system nearly as often as I used to, but if I chat anywhere on SE then I'll probably drop into the Ask Ubuntu General Room too.

Google Talk (XMPP): degeneracypressure@gmail.com
(OTR key fingerprint: 143E7035 5162A84C 6A693241 EA34867F 0BE77792)

Discord: Sir Griswold of MacElwain#7549
(Feel free to add me as a friend even if we've never interacted. I'll probably accept the request. Then Discord will let you send me DMs even if we're not in any of the same servers.)

Steam: EkWingburn / Sir Griswold of MacElwain

Feel free to IM me on any of those, but if you do and I don't reply, please don't assume I received your message.