Caesar Kabalan


Currently responsible for the planning, engineering, and implementation of Amazon Web Services for a large global organization. Primary duties involve working closely with Cloud Architects and IT Leadership regarding strategy and timelines for the implementation of cloud services. Technical duties consist of working hands-on as part of a small team to implement cloud technologies including autoscaling, continuous integration/delivery, and configuration management all using DevOps practices. Founding member of a Cloud Enablement Services group aimed at assisting and easing the utilization of cloud resources by traditional infrastructure and development teams.

Personal Projects

I enjoy programming periodically during my off time. I've mostly split my programming experience between desktop applications (C# + WPF) and web technologies (HTML/CSS/Javascript/PHP). These days I'm looking for any excuse to utilize the Go programming language. I've had MANY programming projects over the years, some unfinished.

My two main "white whale" projects that I've tried to do in various forms:

  • BlackJack Simulation with as close to casino rules as possible. The overall purpose would be to test BlackJack strategy against various rulesets. I realize BlackJack has already been "solved" many years ago, but I'd like to build it myself, from scratch.
  • Chat Log Analytics. This would be a bot or application that would gather or parse public chatroom logs, calculate statistics and output stats to be viewed via the web. Statistics such as time-of-day graphs for when people talk frequently, popular words, etc.

Fun Facts

  • I can solve a 3x3 Rubik's cube in ~1min30sec.
  • I find the Linux ddate command hilarious (manpage).