

I got my start in technology seemingly ages ago, when 8086 and 8088 machines were top-of-the line. I fixed them mostly at that time. Then, I had the urge to run a BBS. Of course, I had to be a rogue SysOp and run WWIV, which I guess at the time was considered "underground." Later, when the Internet killed BBS's for the most part, I started tinkering with HTML, running a Web site for the bowling team I was the president of at Penn State. Once I graduated, I worked for a plastics company, helping out with provisioning PCs, installing network cabling, and creating Web pages in a little-known scripting language called iHTML. That helped me transition into ASP/VB6 programming and eventually .NET and C#. The past few years have been managing developers more than pure coding (though I like to tinker with open source), with a recent move into Enterprise Architecture. I've been with big and small companies in several different industries (ISPs, manufacturing, warehouse distribution, SaaS, healthcare, to name a few).

While I work as an EA, my passion is in the DevOps space. I have become intimately familiar with how Microsoft Azure DevOps solves the needs of Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery and have been successful bringing those capabilities to teams I worked with or managed.