Jonathan Watmough


I am a C++, CUDA, cross-platform RHEL / Windows, SQL, iOS, Objective-C, WebGL, Javascript programmer, with lots of experience in database and UI, with domain knowledge in gas pipelines, oil drilling and well planning, geology and geophysics.

2019 - Current, Senior software developer at Bluware and Lead Developer for the Headwave application framework.

2012 - 2019, supporting users of the IHS (formerly SMT) Kingdom Geology and Geophysics package. This role encompasses primarily support, but also Microsoft C++, MFC and Windows Forms programming and debugging. I have gained significant domain knowledge of geology and geophysics, including seismic loading and presentation, surface picking and management, data management and terrestrial coordinate systems.

2008 - 2012, iPhone application development.

2004 - 2008, I have four years working on gas-pipeline management software for a highly successful Dallas and Houston private software consultancy, being promoted from consultant to manager over that period.

1996 - 2003, I have eight years experience at successively higher levels in Schlumberger Oilfield Services, rising from help-desk/IT Support through software design to application architect.