Frank Nocke


Current availability: November 2020

Hi there,

I am a web developer (javascript/typescript/nodeJS) with a focus on reactive Frameworks vue/react/angular and (somehow and always) always on all matters mobile & responsive design (mobile issues, cross-browser-issues, less/sass/stylus,…)

I hold a diploma in media computer science and a “Master of Computer Science [MSc.]”. So far in my IT career I have worked in Germany, Switzerland (6-mo), Liechtenstein, Beijing and for 2 years in Singapore.

My first computer I got at age 9, my second when I turned 13, and my third when I was 15.

You find more information about me on my website under

I am mostly interested in freelance / remote jobs. Possibly I could “give it up“ (freelance-wise and as in “relocate”) for a position in Switzerland (again) or Singapore (yes, again).