

I am a software developer with an expertise in domain-driven design (DDD), test-driven development (TDD), .NET C#, CQRS, NHibernate, Agile, SCRUM. I specialize on rewriting legacy applications using domain-driven design (DDD) and Chicago style test-driven development (TDD) – more about this in my blog post. I’m an ideal candidate into a .NET C# development team which is trying to embrace DDD and TDD. With my CoreDdd .NET library, its documentation and code samples, I’m able to train developers in DDD and Chicago style TDD.

I’m blogging about domain-driven design (DDD) and Chicago style test-driven development (TDD) on https://xhafan.com/blog/ . Projects I’m working on:

GitHub: https://github.com/xhafan
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/havlista/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/xhafan