Daniel Cukier


Daniel is a technology innovator, currently exploring web3 projects. Former CTO in Brazilian startups such as Pravaler - a fintech that offers accessible student loans - also founder and CTO at Playax - an audience development platform for music professionals based on BigData - he also worked for two years as CTO at Elo7 – the biggest crafts marketplace in Brazil.

Experienced working in different programming languages such as Elixir, Ruby, JavaScript and Java, Daniel helped many startups as venture advisor at Monashees Capital and other accelerator programs in Brazil. He is also PhD in Computer Science at University of São Paulo – IME-USP. His PhD research is about Software Startups Ecosystems and Entrepreneurship.

Daniel mastered in Computer Science in University of São Paulo in 2009, with the Thesis Patterns for Introducing New Ideas in the Software Industry. Daniel is a Cloud Computing GDE (Google Developer Expert). Daniel started developing software in Brazil when he was 10, on his TK-3000 Basic 2MB RAM computer. He worked as a consultant and software developer in many companies. In 2001, he worked for an Internet startup in Italy.

In 2006 he joined Locaweb, the biggest web hosting company in Brazil and worked there for 5 years as developer and tech lead in infrastructure team. Daniel is an active member in the agile and software development communities, speaker in many conferences such as Elixir Brasil, QCON, Agile Brasil, TDC, DevCamp, Agile Trends and others.

Studying other Arts beside software development, like Theatre, musical instruments and compositions, dance and writing, he acted in five musical plays and has a poetry book published. Daniel is a Vipassana meditation student and is very interested in topics related to human consciousness.