

I am a support technician as a day job.

Outside of my day role though, I'm a keen learner of various technologies. I have been programming PHP/MySQL/AJAX websites/applications for several years. Messing around currently with VB.NET - Server/Client Apps and Security.

I have dabbled with C++ but can't claim to have written a program from scratch in the language; I have, however, been able to understand the code of others and even offer advice in some cases.

Currently also trying to become more than the novice/intermediate in linux. I have used Slackware, CentOS, Ubuntu, Suse and RedHat (Older versions 6-9).

I take particular enjoyment in learning little tricks and key pitfalls so that I can avoid and advise others on these. Additionally partial to the interests of system and network security.

I find enjoyment in trying to help, and it's interesting to find out improvements on my methods at the same time.

I am a keen believer in practical learning as opposed to constantly readin or sitting in classrooms.