Stephen Duffy


Hobby coder since age 12, trying to convert my Commodore Basic V2 skills into 6502 machine code. Upgraded to a then ancient PC XT in 1993 and began learning 8086 and Turbo Pascal. After having written some games I went to university where I experienced the human equivelent of a BSOD when your brain explodes due to hidden connections I didnt know were there so I walked away degreeless after three years but educated in Karnaugh Maps, Dirac Combs, Predicate Logic and enough experience in SQL, C++ and Java to ... how should I put it ... footer around alot.

As my C++ skills developed, I dumped pascal like a used handkercheif and started footering around in OpenGl and Sockets using Borlan C++ for Windows 4.51. Meantime the internet was taking off and I would generally use Java applets to do interesting stuff on web pages but as I began to see the light of Javascript and its general availability to coders anywhere there is a browser, I soon stopped doing much of anything in Java since I couldnt guarantee any browser wouldn't have java issues like JVC by Microsoft being depricated by a court of law through Sun Microsystems compliant about it not being fully jdk compatible. For reasons such as this, Ive never done .net.

At the server side of my little code factory, I tried the free ASP server that came with Windows XP Pro's IIS Services install option but I noticed that the hosting companies were much more cost efficient when you rented a LAMP so I went heavily down the PHP Route.

At the present time, having been knocked out by the economic crisis as Coronavirus takes over the known world, my aspiring career as an underpaid and much abused Taxi Driver has come to a standstill and my paygrade has increased (I kid you not) to that of Unemployed Bum. I'm here on stack overflow looking for a promotion from anyone who will hire me to teach or write for them using skills I demonstrate on this site for which I have never had any industry recognition.