

Electronics Technologist, currently working as a Software Engineer on VR Simulation Systems.

Primarily work in Modern C++, C (embedded), Java, C#.

Involved in full engineering life cycle including requirements analysis, system decomposition, high level and low level design, implementation and system verification.

Designed and implemented sonar processing systems for beam forming line arrays using distributed services and message passing with ZeroMQ.

Designed and implemented VR training simulators with hardware stimulation.

Designed and implemented wireless blasting receivers for through the earth communications. Extreme low power and reliability design goals: 6mos on a single C-cell battery.

Spend my spare time with my wife and daughter, and enjoy mountain biking, boating, scuba, photography and flying.

I like to ask the good questions so all can benefit from the answers. Hard to beat the fastest guns in the west around here. ;-)