The Red Gator in Virginia


Worked TI 9900, 8085, 8088, 370, H6024 assembly codes and various proprietary OS. Started doing *NIX in 1985, first *NIX internals class 1985 working for a vendor of the Tahoe architecture, doing FORTRAN, C, Ada, C++, VHDL, and Java in embedded real-time and sensor systems from microcontrollers through clusters of super-minicomputers to clusters of super-microcomputers. Database in scalable UNIX OLTP systems in the banking industry (ugh!) GUIs of various flavors up to Android.

Yeah, I've done some stuff... still don't know anything...

Moore's Law applied to software: "Every eighteen months half of everything you know becomes obsolete." Recommendation for job security: "Give away everything you know while it still has value and hope that people you work with will do the same."