

I am a full stack developer swimming in PHP and VueJS. I got started over a decade ago on Angelfire and Geocities rocking that HTML4 and sketchy JavaScript, then started picking up Python. Those days are long gone now, and I work mainly in PHP, VueJS, Angular, and Ruby. I'm familiar with Ruby on Rails, and several PHP frameworks, though I predominantly work with Cora for my current employer.

When I'm not working on super cool stuff for work, I'm at home refining my pentest lab, tinkering with new OS'es, and reading compromise whitepapers as I aspire to transition into a red team role within the next few years. Currently I am enrolled in an online course covering CompTIA's Security+ and another on the Ionic framework.

Given the choice, I'll take *nix over other systems any day.

"It's hard to beat a person that never gives up."