Edouard Berthe


Financial Engineer from École Centrale Paris (French "Grande École") and the University of Queensland (Master of Financial Mathematics).

Formerly Web Developer at Theodo (Paris startup) and quant intern in a Hedge Fund in London. Currently working as a Quant in Hybrid Equity products at Société Générale CIB in Paris.

Deeply passionate with maths (Abstract algebra & stochastic calculus), algorithmic and modelling, I am also interested in Machine Learning.

I am currently working in C++/C# and I have a strong background in Python.

  • Languages: Python, C++, C#, SQL, PHP
  • Scientific libraries: Numpy, Scikit-learn, pandas, matplotlib, TensorFlow
  • Databases: PostgreSQL, MySQL
  • Big Data: Hadoop, Spark
  • Web: Nginx, Apache2, PHP Symfony2, Python Flask (SQLAlchemy, Alembic, Flask-Admin), Bootstrap
  • VCS, DevOps, CI/CD: Git, Docker (Swarm), Atlassian stack