Eric Ihli


I write code and strive for a perfect balance between pragmatism and perfectionism.

I try to approach software engineering as a true engineering discipline. I measure and reduce inefficiencies and tackle difficult problems by breaking them down to their simplest subproblems by isolating variables, rebuilding the system piece by piece, staying observant of the entire process to gain a deeper understanding of how the system interacts as a whole.

I am a lifelong learner and teacher.

The rapid pace of advancement of the tech industry ensures that my backlog of information to consume is never empty, and I love it. As part of my lifelong learning endeavor, I strive to continuously improve my communication skills so that I can be both a better learner and a better teacher. Teaching is something I enjoy, not only to share with others those 'A-ha!' moments that I cherish so much, but because it deepens my understanding of complex topics.