I am a full time Machine Learning Engineer at CloudNuro
Have been using Computers since 2008, was introduced to Linux in 2016 while doing my undergraduate course, I run a dual boot configuration with Windows 10
and Arch Linux
with bspwm
window manager and picom
compositor engine. I like zsh
as my default shell and fish
at other times. My choice of GUI text editor is vscode
but I mostly use terminal editors like vim
& neovim
+ vim-plug
since I spend more time there.
I primarily do Data Science, Data Analytics, Machine Learning, Time Series Forecasting, Natural Language Processing (NLP), Predictive Analytics, Computer Vision (CV), Artificial Intelligence and make Recommendation Systems. I also like to contribute to Open Source Projects and work on Linux.
, Bash
, Lua
, Go
, C
and Perl
are languages that I mostly use.
I work with Deep Learning Libraries such as Tensorflow
, Keras
, PyTorch
, scikit-learn
, pandas
, numpy
, scipy
, pytessearct
, gensim
, huggingface
, transformers
, opencv
, pandas
, seaborn
, bokeh
and matplotlib
Although my device doesn't pack enough juice for Deep Learning, I do half the training on it and leverage Google Colab to get rest of the work done.