

I used to get paid to be a an RPG/PHP Web Developer, but I had set a goal of becoming an ASP.NET MVC Architect when I was a full-time college student and thought I was going to one day for sure be a Microsoft MVP.

Now I am most experienced in Linux environments where I let PHP and Javascript do most of the heavy lifting. I can knock out a responsive layout for an entire Web App in a matter of weeks.

There is one thing... I took a break so I could renovate my house and find out the true meaning of life. Well it worked! I no longer care about what my title is or where I am in the rankings of societal norms...

I just want to live life the way it was intended to be lived.

I still love programming and have a huge project I am working on and hope to launch it next Fall. I can't talk too much about it because I haven't enough lawyers to protect my idea from the vultures.

I tell you one thing though, there is going to be no greater sense of accomplishment when I get to roll out my OWN Web App that deals with something I have been passionate about since a child.

Not too many people can say they did that.

Then...After I sell my idea to Yahoo! Inc. I am going to invest all my money into a recycling company where all the proceeds are used to help take care of all the sick and feral Kitties that struggle through the winter months here in West Michigan.

God Bless!

Hard work will always profit while laziness results in forced labor.