

Former paratrooper that began programming on an HP 2000F too many years ago. Blinded by the power of a DEC PDP 11/70, my path in life was set at a young age. Graduated to Turbo Pascal and Btrieve, then C/assembler (first paid programming gig), IBM S/36 COBOL & RPG, VB6, VB.Net, C#. Did one of the first bank check-image statement systems in the US. Loved OS/2, sad that it didn't stick around to keep Microsoft honest.

Decided networking was cool, started with Novell Netware 2.12C and wrote IPX/SPX code for a few years, decided that TCP/IP was very cool and moved to network administration. Picked up VMware at version 3 and had some fun with that turning a huge server farm into one big SAN and a couple of of UCS chassis. Did switches, routers, VPNs, and all manner of strange devices. Discovered F5 and my life changed. Now that F5 supports API access, I'm jumping on the SDN bandwagon to keep myself viable for future employment opportunities. Occasionally dabble in Linux.

Contemplating getting my MS in CS and shooting for a doctorate so I can semi-retire and treat college students badly.