

I am a DHTML, jQuery, PHP, Flash AS3 & Cocoa developer & prototyper.

I have run my own company since 2004, in South Africa & since 2009 in the UK, both called Graphiques Digitale.

Starting off commercially with LAMP OSS, I have always approached projects in a structured manner, using SDLCs & methodologies, even when dealing with more “informal” or limited scale projects.

Since the start, I have been developing websites & web-systems, although, since moving to the UK, Flash AS3 & HTML5 have formed my primary focus, lots of video players, audio players & graphic interfaces:

Using Flash I have completed some very interesting projects.

Using HTML5 I have completed numerous websites & web-systems which are all based on the SilverStripe CMS.

Objective-C is something I need to play around with more...


System Analysis, System Architecture, Programming, Prototyping, Re-engineering, Reverse Engineer - anything that involves Boolean logic, Cartesian math, Heuristics & all those other obscure concepts.

Does that confuse you? Confuses me most of the time too, but give me enough time & I'll figure it out for you (erm, and for me, I guess ;)