Lieven Keersmaekers


Application Developer, infected by TDD.

Answers/websites that I frequently refer to:

  • XY Problem
  • Teach yourself programming in 10 years
  • You should accept answers to some of your past questions. Not only will this show your appreciation for the people who spent their own time to help you, but it will improve your accept rate and the chances that they will answer any future questions you may have.

Favorite Quotes

  • The subset of problems that have elegant software solutions is significantly smaller than the set of problems that are economically useful to solve. (Scott Leadley)
  • It always amazes me that people expect me to spend my time answering questions they won't spend their time asking. (George)
  • What have you
  • In My Egotistical Opinion, most people's C programs should be indented six feet downward and covered with dirt.
    Blair P. Houghton. Programmer.
  • If Java had true garbage collection, most programs would delete themselves upon execution.
    Robert Sewell. Programmer.