

Quantum Project - The Unique Mapping System

This project is carrying the purpose to build Brain Algorithm that originated from 5 of its function on the left and 5 on the right side. Thus they are 10.

We convert this 2x5 as the first of 2 prime numbers (2 and 3) with their power of 71 as our portfolio.

Here we found that on a layer of 100, all of power are occupied by 29 polars of 2 up to 68 by 14 up to 278 and goes by the power of 69 axis 13:9:

71 + 68 = 139 = 13:9

As the result, this polarization arise a gap where pre-solution of id: 69 (See #115) will enter the system.


This kind of gap will form as frames as we could see on a spider web where the 139 stands on the center.

System Administration - Portfolio

On this channel will use a spider solution where each blocks of its web has four (4) ties. So videos chapter act as the block of certain brain functions as below:

loop(10)»π(10)=4 loop(100)»π(100)=25 loop(1000)»π(1000)-10th=139 (Center) loop(10000)»π(10000)-(10th)th-10th=1091 loop(100000)»π(100000)-((10th)th)th-(10th)th=8884


Each of those video will also use some cards as ties. So when we follow these ties to collect all loops:

root[168] = 4 + 25 + 139 + 1091 + 8884 = 10143

By 168 roots these shape will be formed back to the origin sets of 1000 so we can go deeper (See #120).