

IT Consultant. I do a bunch of things from Strategic IT Management, to "hands on" networking, to software development of all sorts (web, database, .net, php,etc).

I'm an Elder Geek. 51 years old. Been in IT all my life. Started doing s/w dev on Apple II (6502 machine code), to 8086 macro assembler, through today's object oriented and MVC development in C#.

I'm not a specialist, but a generalist. If I specialize in anything, it's Strategic IT: How do companies utilize technology to achieve business objectives. That's what I love most. Of course, if I have to roll up my sleeves and run Cat5e, program switches, setup servers (Virtualization, traditional) and applicaitons, well...so be it.

My background is mostly in Healthcare IT, but have a background in MFG IT.

At night, I'm an oil painter, lover of photography and Jazz! I would much rather be living life than working, but hey...if I want a new lens or camera...well...that takes money! So Off to work I go like the rest of you!
