

My name is Mikhail Pushin (or just Michael). I live in Russia. I’m a 28-year-old SharePoint developer who moved to SharePoint world from open-source about a year ago. Before that I used to work with Java technologies (currently, I am Oracle Certified Professional Java SE 6 Programmer and Oracle Certified Expert Java 6 EE EJB Developer). I like Java development a lot and sometimes I still work with this technology. However, about a year ago, my friend invited me to have a look at the opposite side of the world. I tried it and understood that I am addicted to it.

The main parts of my SP development are workflows, forms, BCS and webparts. At first, I used to work with both SPD and VS worflows in SP2010 and InfoPath forms, but after releasing SP2013, the company I work for decided to move to the latest version and now I am developing for SP2013.