

My name is Levi (they/he). I am a young person living in the Midwest of the United States. I write code by day and besides that, I do outdoor rock climbing, running, organic urban gardening, and home DIY projects.

At my core, I am a maker/engineer or as my partner calls it, "a crafter". I have some personal values in: honesty and transparency, small business, equality, climate change sustainability, embracing failures, async/remote work, Internet privacy, quality over quantity, no-ego, open source by default, honesty and transparency, and teaching each other.

I care about the process of writing code just as much as the end product itself. I am a "customer-first" developer (aka: user-first designer) where every decision I make about an app/tool/SDK is that it will improve the experience for the end user. Software should be fun to use for everyone!