Olivier De Meulder


Currently, senior software engineer for the New York Times. Working with CRM software, pub sub queues, Protobufs and other fun stuff.

Before that, Software Engineer at Autoloop, startup creating marketing software for car dealerships. My role as a full stack senior software engineer is to add new features to the software. New features will allow the sales team to get into more dealerships and make more customers happy. One of my focuses is back-end integration with third party systems. However, on the integrations team, I am also the go-to UI guy.

Previously, owner and CTO of InvitationConsultants.com and online retailer of Personalized Invitations and Stationery.

I architected, developed and deployed an entire eCommerce website and back-end application in .NET and C# with a SQL Server database. Front end is built using ASP.NET, Javascript and jQuery. Also created a web-to-print application using InDesignServer.

Most recent projects: Geo location application in Ruby on Rails. Recommendation engine in NEO4J based on collaborative filtering. Deployed wordpress application on Linux server on AWS.