Andrew Kralovec


Im a college student in illionis. I love all things programming, and my knowlege stretchs far acros the computing universe.There is a huge varity in computer scicne, and i love them all, and want to play with all they can offer. So if you have any tool topics , software or knowlege please share it with me and everyone on the website.

  • Programming/Languages: Java (J2SDK v1.3, J2EE, EJB, Servlets, JSP, Java Applets); C (openGl,GTK+); C#; Python; .Net; PHP; Javascript (JQuery, angular); MySQL; HTML(boostraps, handlebars); Andrioid development;
  • Source Code Control: Visual SourceSafe, Ant
  • Databases: Oracle 8.x/9.x, SQL Server, MS Access
  • Design & IDE Tools: Eclipse, Microsfot exress, Microsoft visual studio, Mono Develop, Blender ,3d coat notepad++, inkpad, gimp
  • Office Tools: MS Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook, Visio
  • Operating Systems: Windows /Linux/Unix/Server 2008, Mac OS X