

Regardless of venue or venture, I engage in a daily contest maintaining balance between two well-intended, but opposing fundamental forces. One desiring to know all that can be known before engaging and one that engages with no care to know anything at all. Somewhere in the midst, I stand with others keeping these forces in check ensuring they work in concert moving forward pursuing the goals set by customers.

A well-honed and balanced set of altruistic and pragmatic ideals enable me to go where other fear to tread. Even so, it is hard work and not without its causalities. The ignorant, narrow-minded, self-centered, and prideful will curse my name more often than the visionary, open-minded, and level-headed will praise it in song or epitaph.

My domain knowledge and experience covers a broad set of disciplines; though I will never claim to be an expert in any; I may only be dangerously knowledgeable. This breadth of skills helps me more readily understand perspectives through with others see; to walk a mile in their shoes and still see shades of gray where others only see black or white.

In short, I am a problem solver. Paraphrasing a past BASF slogan, "I do not necessarily create, but make creations better."

When not engaged with someone's purpose, I am continuously learning and expanding my experience through equal portions of education, immersion, and making mistakes before my luck runs out. I consider myself a modern Renaissance man, trying to understand the unknown, making it a bit clearer and less daunting.