Stan James


Most people know me as the founder and former CTO of Lijit, a very cool startup in Boulder based on Outfoxed, my master’s thesis about online trust. (Lijit was recently acquired by Federated Media.) I studied Cognitive Science at the University of Osnabrück, Germany. My business partner Todd Vernon (former CTO of Raindance Communications) and I incorporated the company in June 2006.

Before Lijit, I worked at RootMarkets in New York. At that time I also developed the Attention Recorder.

After Lijit, I was a founding member of, the best online dictionary.

I’ve been working on the web in some form or another since 1996 (gasp!) when I created the first browser-based massively multiplayer games, UltraCorps and Evernight. While working at VR-1. They were purchased by Microsoft and AOL, respectively. Before that I created some of the first casual games on the web, as part of the MegaBot comic strip.