
  • Android Application Development in Kotlin and Java
  • Material Design, Knowledgeable in Android UX/UI standards, Supporting different screen sizes, Pixel-Perfect, Zeplin
  • MVVM, MVP, Clean Architecture
  • Android Architecture Components
  • Object-Oriented Programming (OOP)
  • Dependency Injection libraries: Butter Knife, Dagger 2
  • RxAndroid, RxJava, RxBinding, RxLifecycle, EventBus, Concurrency, and Multithreading
  • Understanding and applying different Design Pattern and try to follow SOLID principles in Software development
  • Familiar with almost all the Android SDKs, Support Library
  • Databases and ORMs: Room, SQLite, Realm, ActiveAndroid, GreenDAO, Stetho
  • Firebase, Fabric, ACRA, Parse, HockeyApp, Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM), Localytics, InstaBug, Amplitude, CleverTap
  • GSON, Moshi, LoganSquare
  • Network libraries: OKHttp, Timber, Volley, Retrofit, Socket, and Chucker
  • Agile methodologies: Scrum, Kanban, Push/Pull Development System, Pair programming
  • HTTP, JSON, Swagger, XML, OAuth, REST architecture in the Web-Services
  • Source Code Control System (SCCS) and Version Control: SVN, GIT, Bitbucket
  • Slack, Confluence, Team Foundation Server (TFS), GitLab, JIRA, GitFlow, Pivotal Tracker, and Jenkins
  • Professional in the aspect of Security in Programming, Code Obfuscation, and Proguard
  • Analysis, Design and Software Project Management
  • Experienced in creating procedures and documentation
  • Software Development Process: SDLC, Bamboo, Bitrise, CircleCI, Continuous Integration (CI), Continuous Delivery (CD), Gradle, Jacoco, Codecov
  • UI Testing, Espresso, Unit Testing, Mockito, JUnit4, AndroidJUnitRunner, Robolectric, A/B Testing, UI Automator
  • Android Studio, Eclipse, Linux, Android Bluetooth, Android USB, Raspberry Pi
  • ConstraintLayout, DataBinding, Animation
  • Universal Image Loader, Glide, Picasso, HLS, Google ExoPlayer, Google Map