

Got hold of Brian Overland C++ book at the age of 15, and trying not to stop learning about well crafted IT solutions since then. Graduated as Bachelor of CS from Faculty of Mathematics (Belgrade University).

Got the industry at age of 21, did some Windows Forms C#/.NET things, moved to PHP and scalable architectures (building local social network). During this time imagined platform for easy scaling of physical resources, and started learning about AWS

Spent couple of years in agency environment building content driven website, and digital products for U.S based strartups (Java, Grails, .NET/Sitecore, PHP Zend), and gained some management and leadership skills. Was responsibly for DevOps-y side of things in this period (Setting up infrastructure on AWS, CI/CD pipelines on Jenkins), though did not get into it in more depth at this time.

Worked as self-employed contractor on number of projects in Serbia/U.S/UAE for 2 years. Mostly prototyping web applications using Grails and Angular. Participated in building online gaming solution built upon (open source at the time) Cubeia Poker.

Moved to Australia, got my hands dirty with enterprise level software in Telco industry, using Java8, written as micro services - all deployed in AWS. Got first certification in AWS, and started working officially as 'DevOps Engineer' at Base2Services - helping clients shorten time to get their code to production, crafting custom tools, and heavily treating infrastructure as a code. Got involved with Lambdas and Serverless framework. Happily participated in creating infrastructure as a code tool for managing and producing CloudFormation templates.