

My work is to create solutions for high availability systems, performance tuning, DevOps, Linux systems. I Help people and companies with solutions for ICT problems for wide range of situations. The more complicated the problem, the more exiting. I am a passionate engineer who has a degree in Computer Science, Linux and Windows certificates. My 10+ years work experience includes network administration, software development, systems automation and research for ICT solutions and team organization. I am also well versed on technologies like:

  • GNU/Linux (CentOS, Debian, Ubuntu, Redhat)
  • High Availability, DevOps
  • Cloud Computing and virtualization (AWS, Google Apps Engine, Aliyun, VMWare, Xen, VirtualBox)
  • Nginx, Apache, Haproxy, Ansible, ELK, Docker, Kubernetes, Swarm, Vagrant, Squid.
  • PHP, Python, Bash, MySQL, MongoDB, Postgres, Elasticsearch, OpenLDAP.
  • Monitoring with various technologies specially Zabbix.
  • Storage technologies and services; AWS s3, Seafile, DigitalOcean Spaces, NFS, GlusterFS.