Tom Hawtin - tackline


Work: An engineer in Java SE security for Oracle Corporation UK Ltd. The statements and opinions expressed here are my own and do not necessarily represent those of Oracle Corporation. Oracle does not reflect my views.

Top advice: If I were you, I wouldn't be starting from here.

Toast advice: Look after the corners and the middle will look after itself.

Me: You are politely reminded that I am nobody's female dog.

Java claim to fame: I was once in the same room as James Gosling.

In the next few months, I shall be going to:

  • 14-17 Apr 2010, ACCU, Oxford, UK
  • (please add more here)

Recentish past events:

  • 18-20 Nov, Devoxx, Antwerp
  • 7 Nov, ACCU Security, Bletchley Park
  • 2 Nov, Stackoverflow DevDay, Amsterdam
  • 28 Oct, Stackoverflow DevDay, London, UK
  • 31-2 Jul/Aug, DEFCON17, Las Vegas, NV
  • 29-30 Jul, BlackHat USA, Las Vegas, NV
  • 22-25 Apr, ACCU, Oxford, UK
  • 10-12 Dec 2008, Devoxx, Antwerp

Timezone: Mid-Atlantic