

I'm a software developer and hobby geek. At StackOverflow, I enjoy helping others and learning new ways of mastering programming.

I don't have a favourite language but I'm fluent in:

  • Ruby
  • JavaScript (Ember.js, jQuery)
  • PHP(5.3)
  • C#/VB.NET
  • Java
  • HTML(5)/CSS(3)

I do know some basics or have deeper knowledge of:

  • C/C++
  • Bash
  • Perl

I'm a software engineer at Zesty (http://zesty.com) where I mostly do Rails and Ember development.

I've used a lot of frameworks in projects (Ember.js, jQuery, ExtJS, Zend, Rails, CakePHP, ..). I enjoy solving new problems.

You can find me on Github and contact me there if you require assistance. :)