Mo Kawsara


I've been working as a Full-Stack Web Developer for the past 9+ years, in which I've been a team leader and as a CTO.

Besides working as a mentor with NGOs like Turkish Red Crescent, giving trainings about business development and technical R&D.

I have great knowledge in the followings:

  • Laravel 9+ yrs
  • VueJs & Angular 5+ yrs
  • React ~1yr
  • Flutter 2 yrs
  • Training & Mentorship
  • Others: Kotlin, Swift, Dart, TS, SCSS, and great knowledge with DevOps.

I follow the conventions & principles intensively, PHP PSRs, SOLID, Design Patterns, KISS, Happy path...etc VCS/Git lover and a maintainer for multiple Laravel related open-source libraries.

Updated in: 2021