

I am a web-developer. I mean, that is my main.focus() :)

I do stuff in:
• PHP min. 5.4, mainly 7.3/7.4, hopeful for 8.x, wondering what 9/10 will bring
• Python 3 (preferrably 3.7+), which I had to get used to and actually find it kinda similar to PHP, but don't get me even started on those docs... it's a shame.
What I would like to see is a merge of a modern PHP with a modern Python - both have nice features but both lack some other features.
• JavaScript (jQuery & AJAX helps sometimes a lot ;) ) nowadays I try to not use unnecessary libraries for modern applications, since modern JavaScript had brought many shorteners. Still not convinced about a good browser support for all the cool modern features ...
• HTML (I tend to use 5+)
• Times changed, and you should really only use CSS3+ today! not cross-browser as-is: google-TIP: CSS PIE!)
• XML (mostly for (transfering || storing || working with) data)
• SQL (MySQL/MariaDB, PostgreSQL, Oracle, ...) - if PHP then PDO, else some other DB lib

I sometimes do stuff in:
• C++
• C
• LUA script macros for WoW
• And I dont really know if it is a good thing but I also know how to do some stuff in Pascal
      • We call it Packal = Bungler