

Alright chaps, you're on you own from here on out - our job is done. The collapse is now in full swing - it will complete in around 12-18mths and will take out many established small business retailers and small business service providers. Startups won't get out of the starting gate.

As a retailer you absolutely have to target growth of 20-50% YoY from here on out otherwise you will become one of the statistics. The established retailers and small business providers are now fighting for survival and they will play dirty to retain their revenue.

Even Magento & eBay employees are now contacting us directly they are so worried about service provider free high growth strategies. We're off back to trading and our own commerce sites so will wait for the dust to settle around here - honestly hope some of you make it through because if you do you will gain 7-10x the customers from the failing retailers.
