Roger Sherman


A systems administrator by trade, our hero seeks to know a little bit more every time he goes to sleep than he did when he woke up. Always seeking new challenges, he bravely seeks out positions in which he’ll be asked to hack away on your LAMP/LEMP stack.

What is in our hero’s toolbox, you ask? Many things. Windows/AD knowledge? Nope! He scoffs at the notion. However, if you need someone with system level Linux knowledge (in other words, if you want shit that works), who considers Python, Ruby and Bash to be personal friends, who has wrestled with Mongo, and come out on top, then you’ve come to the right place. Oh, you want that DevOps touch? You want your environment automated, scalable, Puppetized? Sounds like you need shine that spotlight into the clouds at night, so it spells out “Rog, we need you again”.

What else do you need? A systems administrator level knowledge of mysql? Check. Someone who actually knows and understands the seven layers of the OSI model? Holla atcha boy! A borderline folk hero who can both troubleshoot nerdy issues, while simultaneously charming your customers? Giddy up!