

I’m a huge fan of Linux but I’ve been know to dabble with Windows and Mac environments. Let’s face it, all the good games are on Windows! I’m a regular Linux user, so I’m not afraid to work on the command line and tackle a problem. I enjoy the terminal and find the challenge of finding a problem and creating a solution to be as enjoyable as playing the new Zelda game on the Switch! I have a lot of experience managing Linux, Windows, and Mac servers. I am a fan of CentOS for server environments but am also aware that technologies work better in the proper environment. I enjoy system administration and designing infrastructure. I love the cloud and have a lot of experience with AWS (even got certified to prove it). Designing scalable architecture is challenging and fun; luckily I’ve been able to make a great career out of it! Chef makes it more enjoyable and I get to use Ruby, which I never really thought I’d be happy about. I started off coding in PHP and building websites, mostly for local Djs, this evolved into a passion that I did for over a decade in industries ranging from broadcasting, healthcare, real-estate and debt-collection. Lately I have moved towards server management and solutions architect. I have a strong interests in security so this has lead me to designing more stable systems without sacrificing security, yeah… I do not disable SELinux. I know, scary right?! I have proposed, designed and implemented numerous security policies that have strengthened company security. I could go on and on about other feats I’ve accomplished and how great I am but writing about myself isn’t something I really like to do.