Niket Malik


Make stuff you are proud of.

I love applying responsive design principles and watching my web pages shrink into mobile screens and still look amazing. It's oddly satisfying. I think in a way I'm kind of like those web pages; I'm moldable, but I still keep my creative flair intact.

My specialities include quickly learning new skills and programming languages, problem-solving, domain-driven design, responsive design principles, website optimization, and the Model View View Model (MVVM) and Model View Controller (MVC) methods of organizing code. So far I have React, Node.JS, MongoDB, JavaScript, TypeScript, HTML, CSS, Google Cloud, Firebase, ExpressJS, Koa, CouchDB, jQuery, Bootstrap, Jest, and Git/GitHub under my belt. I've started learning three.js and Go. I'm still enthusiastically grabbing onto any other programming languages, frameworks, or principles I can integrate into the coding web in my head.