Interested in the following topic and technologies:
- Unicode
- Standard XML formats (e.g. DITA, XLIFF, SVG, …)
- HTML5 as a portable UI interface platform
- Isabelle/Isar/HOL
- Pure Prolog
- Ada
- Document authoring and management
Planning to have experiments in:
- XML document authoring (text, not data oriented)
- Generation of Ada and/or ISO‑C programs from Isabelle/HOL proofs
- Program sources authoring with two‑ways traceability between sources and specifications
- Publishing commercial applications in the Ubuntu software Centre
My active websites are:
-, a French website dedicated to the Arabic language (also comes with some software and Ada topics)
-, a tagless XML online editor, which comes with an English and French versions
-, a French general purpose forum (also comes with scientific, technical and social topics).