Simon Bergot


I studied in Ecole Central Paris. The two first years are not specialized but an image processing module using c++ triggered my interest for programming and image manipulation. I spent one year in KTH in Stockholm to dive deeper in the signal & image processing domains, before finishing my third year in Central Paris with the embedded systems specialization.

I went to DxO Labs to work on cell phone cameras image processing algorithm (anisotropic filtering then adaptive color shading correction). After a while I was mainly managing technical demo and fine tuning algorithm parameters. I had to choose between my love for programming and my love for image processing and I chose the latter.

I went to Efront, then to Talentsoft, in which I am currently working as a .net fullstack web developer for the recruiting module of its HR application. Talentsoft trusted me enough to allow me to become the technical leader of the recruiting module. But after six months I realized that I preferred to stay in a more technical position, and became a technical expert of this module.

For personal reasons I moved to Utrecht in December 2018. I am now working on improving the Talentsoft partners integration story.

I enjoy working on back-end as much as on front-end