myreddIT reddiWisdom is knowing that you are nothing, Love is knowing that you are everything and between the two your life moves.
First time I was introduced to Linux
was in 2007, it was Kubuntu and this person told me about the philosophy and I was told that you are not a real Linux
user if you are not programming in Linux
. I've been using Linux
for everyday use since 2009. I started to use Linux
for real in 2012.
L'amour, la chaleur et la paix!
![hacker emblem](../../images/3794472013.webp)
´ó ^ĸØ←←{}¬^²³»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»» P.S. Earth is
for f * * K sake flat
as a pancake, I kid you not
The Best Flat Earth Documentary
If you want to know more goto
or find Eric Dubay
on youtube(
Humans are in jail and everthing in our society is made to imprison us, but don't despair help is here and things are changing. We were seen as threats to the real world and illegal because we are 97% ape but what they didn't know is that we are 3% g o d l y watch this and see that this is not a human song, there are beings and higher entities everywhere:Grimes - Genesis.
The world we live in is not a world, it's a highly advanced computer, the creators name is 42. There are many secrets hiding in movies.
If you don't believe me then,↓↓↓↓ Watch this youtube song:
(Grimes - We Appreciate Power)
When you listen to music, notice how the singer is talking to someone, it could be you he's talking to but there is also a being you should know about that all songs are referering to:↓↓↓↓↓↓↓ Watch and listen to this song;
(Gwen Stefani - What You Waiting For) stupid boy, take a chance you st***
Check this website out, it's awsome: