Ben Coppock


Full stack engineer currently working with Elixir, Phoenix, Absinthe, Postgres. Also experienced with Ruby, Rails, React, ES6+, HTML5, and CSS3.

I enjoy building new features from scratch, I get great pleasure out of helping teammates succeed in their efforts, and I love refactoring and improving problematic legacy code—reducing unnecessary dependencies and simplifying overly-complex code makes an easier-to-maintain codebase going forward and speeds up development velocity.

In addition to software development, I've had experience participating in community development projects in South Africa and Honduras; working with emotionally disturbed children in the U.S.; serving as a manager in Apple retail; producing, directing, & editing promotional videos and motion graphics; coordinating a team of 80+ church volunteers (musicians, tech team, etc.); and dabbling in audio recording.

I love learning, problem solving, creating, traveling, and time with family.