Michael Sorens


• Software designer/architect, application/website developer, author, educator--see full brand page.
• Broad exposure to diverse firms from R&D at a Fortune 500 firm to principal software designer at a tiny startup company.
• Worked on projects including: wep apps, content management systems, laser control, multi-user systems, database tools, color laser printer firmware.
• Over 100 articles published on Simple-Talk.com and DevX.com covering topics (TDD, code review, source control, documentation, debugging, code smells, usability, visualization, testing) and technologies (C#, PowerShell, .NET, LINQ, JavaScript, AngularJs, XML, WPF, WinForms, database) -see full article list.
• Open-source endeavors:
  (1) SqlDiffFramework, a database comparison tool for comparing heterogeneous data sources.
  (2) DocTreeGenerator, combines help pages of your PS cmdlets into a tree-structured HTML web site.
  (3) MonitorFactory, a PowerShell framework to generate near-real-time monitors for any data resources.
  (4) XmlDoc2CmdletDoc, generates individual help pages for binary PowerShell cmdlets.
  (5) collection of developer tools/libraries in several languages (see API bookshelf);
• Taught at community colleges and at University of Phoenix.
• Member LinkedIn ( http://www.linkedin.com/in/michaelsorens )