

Expert Software Engineer with 10+ years of experience developing complete high quality web and mobile solutions, managing small teams and tech infrastructure. Self-motivated and constant learner with affinity for well-tested code and using the right tool for the job. Enjoys full-stack development, mentoring and working in a team to achieve a greater goal.

Detailed skillset as a developer:

  • backend development: Python (Django & others), nodeJS & some Golang
  • frontend development: vanilla JavaScript, some TypeScript, jQuery, ReactJS/Redux, React Native, AngularJS, HTML/CSS
  • Infrastructure: AWS, Ansible, Docker, CI Solutions, Google Cloud Platform, Serverless (AWS Lambda)
  • data storage & processing: SQL (PostgreSQL, MySQL), Elasticsearch, Redis, RabbitMQ, MongoDB, Cassandra, AWS Kinesis, AWS DynamoDB
  • Others: Linux system administration, Git, REST API's, GraphQL

Here are a few things I would like to learn or improve in the near future: Golang, nodeJS, GraphQL, Applied AI & Machine Learning, Serverless Application Development (e.g. AWS Lambda), Google Cloud Platform

You can find out more about me here: