

I started computing on Tandy/RadioShack, Atari, and Comodore 8-bit systems in the '70s. I ran a BBS during the '80s and '90s, sharing files and message forums over dial-up and satellite links. It was also the early '90s when I became familiar with Xenix, BSD, linux, Solaris, DOS, Windows, OS2, and multiple flavors of X-windows, and connected my BBS to the internet. I began coding in BASIC, Pascal, and C, but occasionally tinkered with 6502 assembly language. I also enjoyed simple batch, shell, and perl scripting. Eventually, I even dabbled in python and java.

I served in the Air Force from 1978-1991. Then worked for Gateway, Netscape, AOL, iPlanet, Sun, and now Oracle in various positions ranging from tech support, to IS/IT, professional services, and consulting. I have customized, deployed, integrated, migrated, load tested, and upgraded email messaging systems for over 30 years. I have been online since the days of Compuserve, Genie, Prodigy, and FidoNet. Back when companies like MCI were offering long distance calls for 10 cents a minute, and there were payphones on almost every street corner.

I love technology, helping people, and learning new things.