Day Davis Waterbury


I improve therefore I am.

Making things better is the reason for my existence.

If something is out of place, I move it. If something is broken, I fix it. Need a massage, a cup of tea, or someone to talk to? I'm your man. I am deeply grateful to be alive and blessed to have the opportunity to make the universe a happier and more beautiful place for all of us.

I did construction and worked as a baker before getting my start in computers and programming 20 years ago. So I know a bit about hard (hot, cold, wet, and dirty) work, pre-dawn coffee, and pulling all-nighters (do they count as all-nighters when you're working the graveyard shift?). I'm also the father of four incredible children; three daughters and a son; every one a spark of the divine.

I've been doing web development 17 years and change, and have run my own business for more than a decade. This has given me a breadth of experience not every web developer can claim.

It is my aim to bring my diverse and formidable talents to bear on projects that matter as part of a team that shares a strong desire to co-create a brighter future for the generations to come.