Tarandeep Gill


I am a programmer/hacker.

My areas of interest are web development, native apps, databases, embedded systems and robotics.

I love programming in C, C++, Java and JavaScript.

I used to love PHP, but not anymore. My language of preference for a web backend is JavaScript/NodeJs now.

I have a LOT of experience working with a wide variety of Databases, both relational and document based. I have worked with MySQL, MongoDB, Tokyo Tyrant, Redis, CouchDB, Cassandra etc. I have also implemented my own database system while working for my startup.

I have also developed apps for iOS and Android platforms.

I have also worked with numerous web framerworks.

I am also up to date with the latest developments in HTML and CSS.

I am also a Bitcoin enthusiast. KiloHash, MegaHash, GigaHash, TerraHash, PetaHash, ExaHash and so on.... to infinity.